08 Nov 2021 /

How SSL Plays an Important Role In Website Security?


When you are running your online business, the internet is the best place to get more & more customers. Unluckily, it is also the best place for hackers who want to sell your business or important individual data for a few quick bucks by finding you.

All businesses know that hackers put any of your business at risk and can sensitive client information. Cybercriminals can interrupt dealings among your website and customers and steal the most important data.

What should you do about this? You require a protected web connection to stop any of these troubles. To keep your client info secure & private, businesses and organizations should add SSL to their online websites to support secure online transactions.

That’s good news. It’s a secure way to secure your traffic by SSL certificate installation.

Do You Know What SSL Certificate is?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a protocol that is based on encryption Internet security. It was developed in 1995 by Netscape. For the reason of making sure authentication, privacy, and data reliability in Internet communications.

SSL is a protocol that is responsible for creating protected communication among servers & clients. It is performed by both client & server authentication and the cooperation of an encryption process &cryptographic keys.

Internet users attached SSL with the padlock that seems in your browser address bar when you enter the safe area. They know how to look for this earlier, entering any financial or personal info online.

If you enter information on an unsecured site, the data is conveyed from your computer to the webserver un-encrypted and displayed in simple text. Everyone’ sniffing’ packs on the internet can capture your info and use it falsely.


Why Do You Need It for Your Website Security?

You may be doubting still, “Does your site require SSL Certificate?” If you have a website or creating a new one, security should be on top priority. SSL (Secure Sockets Layers) is the best source way to do this that confirmed by a recognized authority.

Against illegal access, you should safeguard your customer’s sensitive info on your site. An SSL certificate is the best way to connect data between your web server and client that is illegible to everyone who might try to search for the information.

If data between a web browser & a server is shown as plain text, it can get shown to malicious cyber-attacks. SSL creates a safe association when this data is moving to safeguard privacy.

Any business involved in e-commerce should have an SSL certificate on its web server.  Make sure the customer & company info safety as well as the financial transactions security.

How Do SSL Certificates Work?

  • A server or browser attempts to link to a site that is secured with SSL. The browser & server requests that the web server find itself.
  • The web server shows its SSL certificate copy its server/ browser.
  • The server/browser checks to realize whether or not it beliefs the SSL certificate. If so, it sends a note to the webserver.
  • To start an encrypted session of SSL, the web server shows back a digitally engaged acknowledgment.
  • Encrypted data is shared among the server/browser & the webserver.

SSL Certificate

What type of SSL Certificate Can You Choose?

The SSL certificate selection will depend on your site’s type & budget. Furthermore, the encryption level can be the same, but the validation & vetting procedure is unique for each one.

DV (Domain Validated) SSL Certificate

A Domain Validated SSL is perfect if you want an inexpensive & fast SSL certificate, as no paperwork is necessary. The CA (Certificate Authority) validates your right as a candidate to use a specific domain name and that you have correctly registered your domain.

You do not need to show any business documents to get a DV SSL.

OV (Organization Validated) SSL Certificate

After systematically testing your business and authenticating its right to usage a domain, the CA (Certificate Authority) will issue an Organization Validated SSL. The CA approves your business with authorization registered & you are legally performing on its behalf.

Everyone can discover further info on the vetted business by clicking on their secure site seal button. It permits them to see who is behindhand the site. It is also the best way of getting your customers’ trust.

EV (Extended Validation) SSL Certificate

As customers move toward online banking & shopping, they need to ensure the sites they are relating with are sincere. It can challenge to confirm all identities online.

That is why an Extended Validation (EV) SSL might be valuable for your website related to e-commerce. It is usually the peak level of authenticity and can frequently increase your visitors’ trust in your site.

Wildcard SSL Certificate

Wildcard SSL certificate works in the same way as a single domain certificate. So, they have the benefits of securing all and for any sub-domains. That you have in all your network. It will help you to save money and also save admin time.

Multi-Domain SSL Certificate

Multi-Domain SSL Certificate is used to protect sub-domains & multiple domains with an SSL certificate. A single SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is cheap in most cases and can be safe to 99 more domains.

Is It Vital To Have An SSL Certificate For Web Security?

Without an SSL certificate, using a website means it is not safe & secure and can expose all data when moved to threats. Here are some main reasons for SSL selection at the time of website development.

Website Secured By SSL

Increasing Website Security

First and primary, SSL certificates will safeguard all sensitive data transferred from and to your site. Information can be details of login, signups, payment, addresses, or personal info. These are like a diamond for the business.

Therefore the business can’t compromise on it. SSL Certificate secures the transit data among browser and server. It keeps the info private & secure also protects the data from hackers, skimmers, and being misused by attackers.

Security for All Subdomains

A specific SSL certificate type famous as a Wildcard permits you to secure your website & all its subdomains (like shop.yourdomain.com or blog.yourdomain.com) with one SSL certificate.

That is particularly valuable if you are an owner of a business or running large sites with many subdomains. With an SSL, you will have to install a single certificate for all your subdomains.

Gain Credibility & Trust of Customers

The best SSL certificates benefit is that they will help to increase the trust of users. Your website will be present with a padlock of security in the browser address.

It will specify that the association is secure and display to your site’s viewers that you are careful about their privacy. If your site does not have a proper certificate, some browsers can label it as an “unsafe site.”

consumer satisfaction

SEO Advantages

Another advantage of having an SSL certificate installed is the improvement of SEO rankings that your website will get. In line with their HTTPS in all places enterprise, Google gives sites with encrypted associates a minor rankings improvement. It may not be huge. But having SSL certificates will provide benefit over your challengers who do not have SSL certificates yet.

Google Warning Protection

Google and its updates have made it better with its promise to make the internet a secure place by identifying & shaming unencrypted websites (HTTP websites).

As of October 2018, Google released the Chrome 70. With this, they have improved their security cautions for websites that are not entirely HTTPS secure.

Having an SSL certificate on the site will make your website HTTPS, which will secure you from Google harsh warnings.


Phishing & Other Attacks Protection

Today, using of the internet is increasing as the user base. Therefore, there is more increase in attacks like Phishing, MITM, and other attacks. Secure your website from these attacks is necessary. SSL certificate gives a simple way for protection.

Since phishing includes cloning a webpage or website, it is difficult to clone a site that is  SSL-certified.


SSL certificates are essential for any site. It is one of the most safety & security standards for modern websites. It helps build the confidence & trust of customers, gives a safe connection for data transfer, authenticates website ownership, and increases the levels of security of modern Internet browsers. All these will deliver a substantial benefit for any company that has a long-run online presence.

For immediate assistance with any type of website design and eCommerce development related requirements, connect with us now!