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Are you interested to learn about the form submission conversion rate best practices? As digital marketers, people are spending more time improving the lead generation from tactics that engage & convert the users into permanent clients. But we forget the importance of optimizing and tweaking the contact forms that will help to provide the maximum conversion rates.
Following the conversion rates permits you to measure your web pages and apps performance. It helps to recognize the percentage of users who are completing the aims that motivate your business and allow you to scale your site or app success and also identifies the areas for improvement.
Form conversion is when a site visitor completes the form and successfully online submits it from a landing page, homepage, or any other page on a site. Form conversion is like a micro-conversion that leads to a macro-conversion like a newsletter sign-up. So here, we will know about some research-based tips or practices that will help to improve your web contact with the form conversion rate.
Before jumping to the tips of form conversion, let’s have a look to know about form submission conversion rates.
Creating direct, easy-to-complete forms is a key to a successful CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) strategy. And form submissions are frequently the final problem in the conversion procedure.
It is easy to manage the worth of a well-designed form. It is not only about as exciting as selecting bold imagery or writing definite copy, but it is necessary for the best UX (User Experience).
If a site visitor starts to fill out the form, already you have sold them the idea of converting and successfully answered their objections. As a result, they are ready to give you all their personal information.
More effort and trust are need for taking the visitor’s data like name, phone number, email address, credit card information, etc. So if your contact form is not simple, direct, and easy to fill out, your site visitors will move on to the other website.
There is not the same scale for all ‘good’ form conversion rates. There are only two actions people will either fill out the contact form or not. For your form conversion rate improvement, the best way is to test and analyze it. With analysis, use the better sign-up forms that the people are most likely to fill out.
Here are a few main tips for building a better sign-up form that converts better conversion rates:
You can follow the above main tips for the best practices of web form optimization. Good Form provides the best conversion rates.
When you realize that your conversion rates are not giving the expected results, you should start testing your forms to know which elements having a negative impact.
Your data testing will tell you about the wrong things with the conversions, but it will not tell you correctly what and why. You will have to need a little deeper.
As declared, there are a lot of things that can affect to let down your conversion. You will start with the main “classic” factors with A/B testing first.
Keep in a notice that even little modifications that are minor to your form but have a major effect on conversion rates. So if you fear the A/B testing ideas of your form, it might be valuable in the long term.
If you do not want extra pay on the testing tool or do not have time for testing every new form. You can use Google Analytics to send browsers to a new page for every new and updated form testing.
By seeing the number of form fields left blank, you can see which fields are too long to fill, and why the visitors are not clicking the ‘submit button. You can learn about the changes to make the form simple and easy to use.
Form analysis will help you to know how users are behaving and interacting with your web forms. As a result, you will be able to improve your form for better conversion rates.
There is often a simple difference between a low and a high converting contact form. Success is getting in the detailed info, and a little as simple as selecting red over green could raise a specific form’s rate. If you effectively use your contact form for maximum conversion rates, then you need to emphasize the right and latest techniques.
Here are eight research-based ways you can use for form conversion rate optimization and increase the leads.
Do you want to ask about the street address? It is not necessary. Decrease such types of fields to the simple minimum you need. Logically, this depended on your particular need. If you want to ask someone to subscribe to the newsletter, do you require anything more than a subscriber email address and first name?
The answer is ‘no’ and may only need the first name. Research indicates over and over that decreasing the number of fields will increase the conversion rate and form submissions.
For a moment, think about it. Containing optional fields is an approach of hope. You are expecting that visitors will be generous and have additional information. If you realize you do not require the additional information, do not add the other optional fields at all. If you want to get more information about the visitor, then it’s OK to add the optional field compulsory.
If you do not want to do anything with your form data, so do not make it difficult for users by using the form feature. If you use the ‘contact us’ form simply, the purpose of your contact form may be to sort it at ease for a prospect to link with your sales team. Whether your web contact form is the gateway in front of a valuable piece of content, do not use the form unless you have a strategy for the collected data.
You maybe think this one is crazy for the reason that it is a contact us form. Many people who will use the form for requesting information do not want to share their phone call with the sales team. They only want to get the information.
If you want to get the phone number, they will frequently enter a fake number. If your contact form follow-up procedure does contain a phone call from the sales team, it is sufficient to discover the number. Contain the feature for required phone numbers will frequently discourage people from requesting the information.
Create your contact form look simple & easy. To complete this accomplished by the 1,2 & 3 numbering above in addition to the format and layout. A simple format and layout can be able to attain by limiting the instructions and text. Make the fields simple, open, and inviting. The tags on the field top are the best. Keep the form in one column.
‘Submit’ does not let them recognize what happens the next. The major fear that we all have with form submission is not knowing what will happen next when we will press the ‘Submit’ button. Adjustment the text with the ‘Request a Call’ or ‘Request Price” or “Request Contact”. Reaffirm the cause for the form, so they will feel comfortable with form submission and what happens next.
Let them know that your form submission has been completed and received. You also thank those for this request. When they will press the button, send them to a new landing page with a large thanks. Include info about where they can call or email openly if they require is urgent. Additionally, send an email for thanking their request. These emails can be simply automated. Make sure you send on the promise.
As digital marketers, all want that their website visitors will submit the contact form. The key to improving and increasing conversion rates is to reduce friction. Decrease friction by using these eight tips and your form conversion rate can only improve and give you better results.