28 Mar 2021 /

How To Optimize Anchor Text and Why It Is Important?

Link building is an important SEO factor that boosts your search engine ranking. The links you put in a word are named as anchor text and Google gives much more attention to it rather than other new links.

Elaborating that anchor text is a text in blue or any color of your choice that is clickable. Clicking that will take you to the site you linked that word with. These anchor texts you use in the internal and backlinks are crucial because of their positive SEO effect. Undoubtedly, anchor texts are quite profitable for businesses to boosts the ranking of a site in search results. Following this, it is an effective SEO strategy.

Here are some of the ways you can optimize anchor text;

Anchor Text

Natural but Versatile:

As Google algorithms getting upgraded, now it demands you to avoid several repetitive and anchors based on keywords in the text cloud of your site. Failing for this will lead you to a penalty.

So you should link to all the relevant and high-quality pages and ignore the links from non-relevant and low-quality web pages. To get trust flow the best way is to get links from the sites having domain authority and page authority.

Over-Optimization is Never Good:

There is no appreciation for overly rich anchor text. In fact, a keyword-based and spam anchor text cloud is a red sign for google. It shows that there is a quite blunt manipulation with backlinks that straight ends up to the penalty. Instead of this, you should naturally add your anchors and spread them all across the inbound links in the right proportion.

Anchors Should Be Relevant:

In some future times, Google will only have algorithms that are responsible to understand the true meaning of the content of the web page. There is a natural language processing technology that enables artificial intelligence to learn the same way as humans. So this way Google will know what is on the concrete web page. Following this, you should only add anchor texts that are relevant to the content of the web page, or else it could be an issue for you.


Get Into Guest Blogging:

What is one of the key factors of s successful guest blogging campaign, is the relevancy of anchor text. For example, if your guest blog has the keyword “Digital Marketing tips”, then you need to place the links to pages that include information about digital marketing. It should contain exact matches, partial matches, and LSI keywords that feature the discussed topics. However, keep in mind to be relevant with the content too.

Distribution of Anchor Should Be Right:

Actually, the right proportion of anchor text is always debatable because everyone has their own phenomenon. But it depends on the entire content thing you are doing. Apart from that the golden formula to know the right proportion of anchor text is;

  • 50% of branded anchor texts
  • 15% of websitename.com
  • 10 to 20% of naked URL
  • 10 to 15% of page time or blog post title
  • 1 to 5% of exact and partial match keywords
  • And the other things included

But still, make sure to do a detailed analysis of your rivals and niche to get into the appropriate anchor proportion.


Why Anchor Text is Important?

Search engine optimization is a bit complex and incorporated a lot of little things. An anchor text is one of those little things that have a lot of importance for your site.

An anchor text is simply a word or phrase that you click to move from one site to another. Literally, it anchors two different locations on the internet together. It links webpages that could begin downloading and links to the document likes like Gdocs or PDFs. This is why you should only click on such texts on the site you trust. Optimizing anchor texts means you are giving a better experience to the user and Google has a quite prominent algorithm for it. So all this makes optimizing anchors important.

Final Words:

Anchor text optimization is quite an important thing for the SEO of your site. All you need is to be natural with the keyword thing to make it work out for you. Apart from this, make sure to know all the google algorithms to follow and work accordingly.

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